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Audio production

Twelve fun ways to use miniature mics

If you have just started to become interested in sound recording, it's a great idea to find out what you can do with miniature microphones. Despite their small footprint, miniature microphones can produce great sound. Here are ideas for recording with one, two, or more microphones.
Audio production

10 tips for content creators working from home

A content creator's audio must sound clear so that people can concentrate on the message and perceive it as trustworthy. No matter whether you are reporting for radio or television, or creating online content, here are ten tips for any creator working in a home environment. The list is organized in prioritized order.
Audio production

Immersive/object-based audio recording techniques

Audio formats have developed over time. Starting with narrow bandwidth mono, moving on to various versions of two-channel stereo and finally to full-band, multi-channel immersive audio. The sound is reproduced in many ways, ranging from personal headphones to multi-channel systems in cinemas or other big venues. Immersive audio can be described as a group of recording- and reproduction formats that involve more than a basic two-channel stereo
Audio production

Stereo recording techniques and setups

How to determine spacing and angling
Audio production

Condenser mics and high SPL - why use DPA mics for live

This article describe the ability of various models of DPA condenser microphones to cope with extremely high sound pressure levels.
Audio production

Proper hand placement on a vocal mic

How your grip colors your sound when using a handheld microphone
Audio production

10 points on close miking for live performances

Audio production

Multimiking a classical orchestra

Guidelines for miking a symphony orchestra utilizing multiple microphones.
Audio production

Binaural recording techniques

The binaural recording technique builds on the principle of placing microphones on a human’s head - or an artificial head. The microphones' position is either just outside each ear canal or at the bottom of the ear canal close to the eardrum. When you reproduce the recording and listen with headphones, the image is very much similar to “being there”. This article explains using a binaural headset (instead of an artificial head solution), so the binaural sound recording takes place at the entrance of the ear canal of a real person.
Audio production

How to improve speech intelligibility when amplifying the voice

When listening to an amplification or a recording of a person speaking, the ability to understand what is being said – or sung – depends on several factors, such as the quality of the recording including the microphones, the playback system, the acoustics of the room, background noise and much more.
Audio production

How mic placement affects the recorded sound of the voice

The sound of the voice varies a lot depending on the position of the listener or the microphone used to pick up the sound of the voice. In this article we examine the benefits and consequences of different miniature microphone placements.
Audio production

Dialogue matching – when it works and when it doesn't

Audio production

The basics about comb filtering (and how to avoid it)

What is comb filtering?
Audio production

Classical orchestra, AB stereo

Guidelines for miking a symphony orchestra utilizing A-B set-up.
Audio production

Principles of the baffled stereo technique

Spaced microphone stereo techniques using an acoustic absorbent baffle
Audio production

Live streaming and microphone techniques

Is there a unique microphone technique for streaming? Not really. However, often live streaming is characterized by transmission involving the smallest workforce possible. The rule is, therefore, “safety first.” Here we talk about best practice microphone techniques..
Audio production

How to properly attach a DPA microphone to a wireless transmitter

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