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The area of microphones for instruments is extremely wide. Not only is there a wide range of instruments around the world, each with its own specific sonic expression. In addition, amplifing or recording live rock concerts, orchestras, studio work and many other settings often require very different miking solutions to ensure the best results.

Our instrument microphones

Consider what you are looking for in an instrument mic

If you are to amplify an instrument, where there is a risk of feedback from the speakers to the microphone a directional microphone is preferable as for instance our 4099 Instrument Microphone Series that features a supercardioid characteristic. A very directional microphone is better at isolating from other instruments on stage nearby.

What type of sound are you looking for?

There are two primary ways of miking instruments. Close miking is when you place the microphone close to or more likely on, the sound source. The purpose of close miking is many: to minimize bleed from other sound sources, to block out reflections from the room and to ensure flexibility for the performer.

Distance miking is, as you would think, about placing mics farther away from the instrument(s). The technique is used to ensure balance and add natural ambience to a sound. Distant miking is often used in the pickup of a large instrumental ensemble (such as a symphony orchestra) and is most likely used for recording situations.

In very general terms, close miking is often advantageous on the live stage, where many instruments are placed close together in an uncontrolled, often rather large space. Distant miking is often more relevant in a controlled studio environment or where you want to add the ambience of a room, for example, a nice sounding concert hall.

What placement works best for your instrument?

Choosing the right mic for your instrument is only the first step in ensuring a great sound. The placement of the mics can make a huge difference on the character of the sound you create. In addition, if you have chosen to close-mic your instrument, you need a clip or mount that can place the mic in the sweet spot but that is also quick and easy to securely attach and remove. Importantly, the mount used must not damage your instrument in any way.

Our mic selection

Experience now

The 4099 comes in two versions. The 4099 for High SPL instruments is perfect for use on a wide range of instruments – from the flute to the guitar, and everything in between. It may sound odd that a guitar should be categorized as a loud instrument but this is due to the close distance between the sound source and the instrument. The closer you get to an instrument, the higher SPL’s the mic must be able to withstand and still pick up the sound without a hint of colorization or distortion.

Our mic selection

DPA's Miniature Microphone Series is an ideal instrument close-miking solution, which offers a very clean, detailed and natural sound quality. Microphone placement is up to the user, in order to receive the desired timbre for studio use or amplification for live use.

Miniature Microphones offers a very clean, detailed and natural sound quality. Microphone placement is up to the user, in order to receive the desired timbre for studio use or amplification for live use. Combine the high SPL 4061 Omnidirectional Microphone with a Gooseneck Mount if you are after a very unobtrusive microphone with a big sound. The mics have a linear response, low distortion and an extremely large dynamic range, perfect for capturing the unique resonances of any instrument.

Our mic selection

The wide and versatile Recording Microphone Series is legendary in the high-end recording industry and can also make your instrument shine on the live stage. Delivering clean, accurate sound, the mics in this series are used by professionals, who understand sound and insist on only using the best.

Experience now

Sound Engineer Phil Wright on using all DPA on Joker, Live in Concert

Will a rider, containing only DPA microphones, really make a difference? According to Phil Wright and many experts that have heard Joker, Live in Concert, the answer is yes - the sound is next level. Listen to Phil explain about his decision. 

Joker, Live in Concert is Todd Phillips’ award-winning film, Joker, screened with the accompaniment of a live orchestra playing composer Hildur Guðnadóttir’s award-winning score.

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